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Research Proposal

The research is about social activism, my focus is the feminist movement in China. I choose the framing analysis of Chinese media about domestic violence issues against women. The proposal is clearly structured and logical with twenty references I searched.

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Reflective Essay

This is a reflective essay based on the knowledge I learn from the unit called Gender, Sex, and Sexuality. It is clearly structured and with logic. I also combined various issues I found in China regarding gender, sex, and sexuality.

PPT of Professional Practice: Work Integrated Learning (my part)

In this project of helping the University of Canberra to get in touch with alumni and seek their suggestions, I worked as the Interviewee Liaison and was responsible for contacting our interviewees and clarify our project to them, as well as asking for their needs regularly and maintain a good and professional relationship with them.

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Client Pitch Video for Professional Work Integrated Learning

In this video, I introduced myself and used the STAR method to illustrate my strengths and skills with my experiences at university, in volunteer work, and in competitions.

Reflective Report after Project and Team Work

I reflected on myself and on the way our team worked with a clear structure and logic.

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Persuasive Essay

I argued that Canberra is environmentally sustainable in some areas but still needs to do a lot to improve environmental sustainability in its climate system. I used strong arguments to support the claim.


Reflective Essay - Colonization in The Motorcycle Diaries

I reflected on my experience of watching the movie The Motorcycle Diaries before and after I learned the theories of colonization. It is well structured with three different theories.

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Creative Writing - Film Review of Australian National Movie

Through the lens of national identity and my identity as an international student, I analyzed the movie Lucky Miles with a clear structure. I also ended the creative response with my focus on women's role in Australian movies.

Ad Video for UNESCO - Project as A Virtual Ad Agency

In the course called Marketing Communication at Hubei University, we worked in teams as a virtual ad agency. I gathered information and searched for the background of UNESCO, and edited this advertising video using Final Cut Pro.

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Ad Video for Travel Agency - Project as A Virtual Ad Agency

In the course called Marketing Communication at Hubei University, we worked in teams as a virtual ad agency. I edited this advertising video using Final Cut Pro for a virtual travel agency.

Marketing Communication -  Brand Analysis Report of L'Oréal

This is individual coursework from the course Marketing Communication, I searched for various ads and information online about this brand and structured my report with clear subheadings. 

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PPT of Research Proposal

On the course called Research Methodology at Hubei University, we were separated into groups to complete researches by ourselves. This is our final proposal's presentation slides, showing some of the information I collected and analyzed.

Broadcasting Scripts

In my experience as an intern at Wuhan Broadcasting and Television Station, I gather different news information online and sort them out with clear structure and bullet points and the main host would use it.

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Report on How to Manage Chinese Social Media Platform Fan Groups

In my experience as an intern for a Blogger as well as a fashion brand's owner, I searched for information online and wrote this report with my critical thoughts on that.

PPT of Chinese Cultural Heritage Protection Report

In the competition called 2019 ICOMOS-Wuhan Youth Crossover Forum, my team went to field visits and distributed questionnaires. We then analyzed the quantitative data we gathered and come up with suggestions for the government on protecting the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan based on China's legislations and Wuhan's local policy. 

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